PVTrax© is free to download for preliminary tracker cost evaluations and estimations. RINA is not responsible in any way for any assessment performed with the tool by third parties.

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Development of PVTrax© has been guided by a PV Tracker lifetime cost estimation methodology (the ‘Methodology’), drafted by RINA.

The Methodology assesses the characteristics and features of most common single-axis trackers in the market and defines procedures to estimate associated PV tracker lifetime costs, and generation impacts from failures.

The Methodology also provides users of PVTrax© with a better understanding of the total lifetime cost of ownership of PV trackers, and associated assumptions used within the model.

The Methodology is publicly available and provided together with PVTrax©.

To access the Methodology (“PV Tracker Cost Assessment Methodology”) and PVTrax© tool (PVTrax© - PV Tracker Lifetime Cost Assessment Model’) please complete the form.




PVTrax© has been designed to allow for a quick and practical lifetime cost comparison between two single-axis tracking technologies, by applying them to a single PV plant design and using common assumptions, with the exception of the specific inputs relating to each tracking technology.

It provides users with lifetime fixed and variable cost projections, Levelised Cost Of Energy (LCOE), net present value and net lifetime generation, and can model most single-axis tracking technologies and major component variants currently available on the market.

PVTrax© enables users to make informed decisions when selecting tracking systems and vendors at the developing and bidding stages of the project.

To access the Methodology (“PV Tracker Cost Assessment Methodology”) and PVTrax© tool (‘PVTrax© - PV Tracker Lifetime Cost Assessment Model’) please complete the form.





To aid you in comparing technologies, RINA carried out a Case Study on a sample project and location that were selected to ensure a fair comparison. PVTrax© was utilised to conduct the assessment and formulate estimates of the lifetime OPEX of two tracking technologies and the impact of failures on the lifetime performance of the PV plant. Conclusions apply to the sample project only. For any real project, a specific assessment is recommended in order to determine which tracking technology is more favourable.

In the PVTrax© model, fundamental financial parameters were taken into consideration, including discount rate, inflation, and the price of electricity. For the Case Study, and to illustrate the lifetime OPEX costs, RINA assumed both tracking technologies to have the same CAPEX. However, should a user want to vary CAPEX figures for their own evaluation, this can be easily achieved through PVTrax© inputs.

To access the Methodology (“PV Tracker Cost Assessment Methodology”) and PVTrax© tool (‘PVTrax© - PV Tracker Lifetime Cost Assessment Model’) please complete the form.